Tuesday, May 14, 2013

How 1 MILLION Pounds Of Organic Food Can Be Produced On 3 Acres

There is much wrong with the world today. I live in the USA and I know that it's true for this country. The only explanation I can come up with is that there is an "evil spirit" amongst us!

  • Greed beyond comprehension 
  • Violence without explanation
  • Ignorance (stupidity) for no reason
  • Narcissism beyond belief
I bet as you read the list above, examples of these very things came to your mind. So I'm not going to rant in detail about them though I will mention a few things I think of in particular. Things that I often wonder...what the hell's going on with this.

Now I'm really going to show my ignorance in not remembering names and dates but mentioning a few of the "what the hell's going on".
You remember the inventor who claimed he could drive his roadster from coast to coast on twenty some gallons of water (using hydrogen as a fuel..you know water is H2O). You know the man, He died of food poisoning after dining out at a local restaurant-even though He wasn't the only patron that evening and not the only one that ate seafood that night.
How about the guy who is "Corporate America", co-founder of a company that invented something that is used on most computers, iphones and other electronics-you know a real nut bag, who using his own monies, gathered data from government and educational sources, paid for research and came up with a plan to make the USA petroleum independent. Yea that's right, I watched an hour and a half presentation He gave on ethanol and how cheaply and easily it could be implemented. Guess what-fifteen years or less!
Guess what again-didn't use corn or soybeans to produce it (were you wondering why food prices keep going up?).Did you know the nation of Brazil did this very thing in seven years using sugar cane?
How about the bacteria that produces a waste product (yea-popo) that's practically identical to diesel fuel?

Yet we are lead to believe that fuel prices have to go up-there's no other choices.
Food prices have to go up-there's no other choices.
We're going to run out of everything-there's no other choices.

A product which one acre, in one growing season can be used to manufacture as much paper as four acres of trees! Can't grow it in the USA, illegal, yea in case you didn't know, once was used to make rope....can you reason why?

Do you think...that "someone" with wealth, with power doesn't want things to get better...for whatever reason? I know...I'm super paranoid.........or am I?

Well..got that off my chest, but not off my mind.
But one last question, if alternatives are available...reasonable, affordable and practical alternatives, why aren't they being implemented, why aren't they being funding in billions of dollars from the governments?
I know...I'm paranoid, probably stupid too.

Just cheaper food, less expensive fuel...well sounds pretty good to me.

Now for something positive...
What a "good person" can do when they make up there mind to..make a difference!
(probably won't last too much longer though-it makes sense and is affordable, oops, sorry about the negativity)

Watch the videos....as Tony would say..."Theeere Great!!"

Will Allen...urban farmer
Allen's disciple

Bruiser...still chasing my tail